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2021 Retail CEO Challenge

UPDATE: The Challenge is CLOSED!

If you'd like to find out about future challenges, visit the Savvy Shopkeeper website and sign up for my newsletter

Throw lack of confidence or lack of knowledge out the window in 2021.

Join the 2021 Retail CEO Challenge and become the business owner you've always wanted to be.

The retail industry can often feel elusive.  It’s hard for micro independent retail business owners to find information to help us gauge if we are running our businesses well, if we’re hitting benchmarks, heck we often don’t know what those benchmarks should even be!  

I’m here to break through the elusiveness.

In this challenge. I’ll help you get clear about what’s important to track and how to set benchmarks for your own business so you can plan for 2021!

If you want to grow or scale your business, if you have that burning desire to make things better, if you know there’s a way but you just don’t know where to start or what to look at and how to understand it - it’s time to learn HOW to be the CEO in your business.  It’s time to get to know your business INSIDE AND OUT.

The mission of this challenge is three-fold: 

  • To give you answers - you’ll know what to look at in your business and why
  • To hold you accountable but not overwhelm you - each week, you’ll have homework
  • To give you a plan - you’ll have a system and goals in place for 2021

This particular challenge isn’t about a leader board or prizes.  The prize will be the growth and improvements you see in your business and in yourself as an owner. It’s about the a-ha moments…. I see this happen often when I teach a class or while working with members in Master Shopkeepers.

You’ll see why CEO time is important, why doing the WORK of a CEO is beneficial for independent retailers - no matter the size of your business or store.

So what does the challenge involve and what do I get if I sign up?

You'll receive information and downloadable resources to build your own Retail CEO Planner for 2021

  • Over the next four weeks, I'll publish a weekly podcast episode dedicated to this challenge.  Each episode will cover 4 different parts of the challenge, listen to each episode and do the homework provided at the end of each episode.
  • Access to the Shopkeeper’s Planning and Tracking Worksheets. This includes the Business Health Checklist, the goal setting worksheets, AND the Business Year-End Review workbook.  These are all easy to download and print. Buy a 3 ring-binder and start building your own RETAIL CEO PLANNER!
  • An invitation to a Masterclass live on zoom on February 8, 2021 at 1pm EST where I will walk you through the Retail Business Year-End Report - this is where I’ll dive into those elusive metrics and benchmarks.  I often hear retailers say things like, “I heard I should track that but I don’t know what it means and when I calculate it, I don’t know what to do with it or how to make it better.”
  • I’m also offering a bonus, I’m going to open up the zoom video class to a Q&A session where you can ask questions about the worksheets, the Health Checklist process, the Year-End Report workbook, and anything I cover during this 4-week challenge.  And yes, you’ll have access to the replay too!
  • But the most important reward will be YOUR CONFIDENCE

If you want to feel empowered as a retail business owner going into 2021, join me for the Retail CEO Challenge! 

If you told yourself any of these things in the past… 

  • I can’t run a retail business well because I don’t have a business degree.
  • I’m bad at math.  I can’t figure this stuff out.
  • I don’t know what type of information I need to make decisions about my business.
  • I don’t have time to figure this stuff all out.  I need help.
  • My business is too small to do this type of CEO work.
  • I’m embarrassed to ask for help or ask questions
  • I wish someone would just tell me what to look at so I can grow my business and revenue


You’ll be relieved to know it’s not all as hard as you made it out to be in your head.  And if you have ever attended one of my classes, I love to share examples and stories so it’s fun, relatable to retailers and easy to understand!

If you’re ready for this challenge, if you’re ready to grow, if you’re ready to be the CEO, click the button to sign up today!


If you’re a Master Shopkeepers group member, you have access to all of this, we’ve covered most of this already in the group and in February’s masterclass I’ll be walking you through the Year-End report.

If you’re a Shopkeepers Lab member, you have access to the Shopkeeper's worksheets.  If you want to sign up for the challenge, you'll get access to the Year-End Retail Report and the two-hour masterclass and Q&A session.  Get a special discount code in the Shopkeepers Lab group for half off! Check the announcements at the top of the group for the code.

Please note: Because you receive immediate access to the masterclass information and downloadable resources listed in this product, this is a non-refundable purchase.  If you have questions, please send me an email at  Thank you!

4 Modules

Retail Challenge Podcast Series (5 Episodes - Listen Here)

Each part of this Challenge has a podcast episode you can listen to.  Each podcast episode is approximately 20 minutes long and you can listen right here in the Lessons!

I recommend listening to each episode to help you along during the challenge.  Even if you fall behind or sign up a little later in the challenge, you can set a date with yourself to listen to each episode and handle each part of the challenge, like downloading the worksheets, building your own CEO planner, downloading the Year-End Report.

Take it one step at a time and then save the date for the masterclass on February 8, 2021 at 1pm EST.  You'll find the zoom invite in Module 4.

2020 Year-End Retail Report

I'll cover part of this year-end report in Episode 59 but even more importantly I'll dive deeper into this report, along with benchmarks and what to do with your year-end report information during the masterclass on February 8, 2021 at 1 pm EST.  Click on the link to head over and download the report!  Feel free to get started on your report now or as you listen to episode 59 when it's published.

Zoom Masterclass (Zoom Link & Details): February 8, 2021 at 1pm EST

Date:  Monday, February 8, 2021

NOTE: (If you can't join live, you will have access to the video replay for 60 days!)

Time:  1:00 pm EST

Zoom Invite: sign up to get access to the zoom invite

Modules for this product 4

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